SPIRE model

has been designed to help teachers develop team work, project class management, students’ life competencies and entrepreneurial mindsets.

40 - 30 - 30 equation

The model is based on the “40 – 30 – 30 equation”. It describes the process, time, energy and commitment needed for the creation of an effective team, the achievement of its project goals and the development of its members.

About SPIRE model

SPIRE is an acronym which stands for Setup, Perform, Inspire, Review, Empower.

It is a methodological approach to leading teams through coaching techniques while working on project-based and team-based activities and on developing soft skills.  

The model is based on the “40 – 30 – 30 equation”. It describes the process, time, energy and commitment needed for the creation of an effective team, the achievement of its project goals and the development of its members:

  • 40% –  Set up: Bring the team to life and plan the project;
  •  30% –  Perform and Inspire: Project work, team work and end of project tasks;
  •  30% –  Review and Empower: Assessment and performance improvement.


The model consists of techniques and procedures on how to:

  • Create the team vision and purpose
  • Create the team values and CTR (co-creating the relationship)
  • Determine the team goals and measures
  • Coordinate and perform the project management phases
  • Execute project tasks
  • Present the project results
  • Assess team members and the team as a whole

SPIRE model and its strategies, techniques, module plans, processes and procedures are described in an eBook. This eBook is supported by PowerPoint slides for the classroom, handouts for the students, self assessment questionnaires, team assessment questionnaires and team coaching skills forms for the teacher.

The activities of the approach are suitable for teenagers (14+) and young adults.

SPIRE model is a methodological approach designed by Palmina La Rosa. SPIRE model is a registered trademark by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (registration n. 302023000028098).


Palmina La Rosa

Professional coach, passionate about training and sharing her knowledge, she is the founder of Giga International House and CTD Coaching, Training & Development.

She has been involved in training and education for more than 25 years.

Ambassador Area

Coaching as an effective means of change, development and innovation 

From this idea, CTD – Coaching, Training & Development, was born. From the experience of Palmina La Rosa, Founder & Trainer, CTD aims to provide both teachers and students with techniques to enhance their positive impact on society.

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